Class SessionStatusReport

  extended by
      extended by

public class SessionStatusReport
extends ReportData

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
ReportData.ArrayDataIterator, ReportData.ListDataIterator
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
CheckinAgeColorRangeDefault, CreationAgeColorRangeDefault, FORMAT_GRAPH, FORMAT_KML, FORMAT_MAP, FORMAT_PDF, GpsAgeColorRangeDefault, LoginAgeColorRangeDefault
Constructor Summary
SessionStatusReport(ReportEntry rptEntry, RequestProperties reqState, ReportDeviceList devList)
Method Summary
 DBDataIterator getBodyDataIterator()
          Gets the details data interator for this report.
The subclass of this object must implement this method.
For simple EventData record data, this method could simply return:
new ArrayDataIterator(this.getEventData());
 ReportLayout getReportLayout()
          Gets the bound ReportLayout singleton instance for this report
static ReportLayout GetReportLayout()
          Gets the bound ReportLayout singleton instance for this report
 DBDataIterator getTotalsDataIterator()
          Gets the totals data interator for this report.
The subclass of this object must implement this method.
For simple EventData record data, this method may simply return null.
 void postInitialize()
          This method is called after all other ReportConstraints have been set.
Methods inherited from class
_countEventData, _getEventData, _getEventData, countEventData, countEventData, expandHeaderText, getAccount, getAccountID, getAutoReportURL, getCheckinAgeColorRange, getCheckinAgeColorRangeArray, getColumnCount, getCreationAgeColorRange, getCreationAgeColorRangeArray, getDataRowTemplate, getDevice, getDeviceCount, getEventData, getEventData, getEventData, getEventDataCount, getEventDataIterator, getEventMatchCount, getFirstDeviceID, getGpsAgeColorRange, getGpsAgeColorRangeArray, getGraphImageURL, getGraphLinkDescription, getGraphWindowSize, getKmlLinkDescription, getKmlURL, getLocale, getLoginAgeColorRange, getLoginAgeColorRangeArray, getMapIconSelector, getMapLinkDescription, getMapURL, getMapWindowSize, getMaximumEventDataCount, getOrderAscending, getPreferredFormat, getPrivateLabel, getProperties, getRefreshURL, getReportCallback, getReportColumns, getReportConstraints, getReportDataFieldsEnabled, getReportDeviceList, getReportEntry, getReportFactory, getReportHeaderGroup, getReportHeaderGroups, getReportIsPartial, getReportJob, getReportLimit, getReportName, getReportOption, getReportRecordCount, getReportSubtitle, getReportTitle, getReportType, getRequestProperties, getRuleSelector, getSelectionLimit, getSelectionLimitType, getStatusCodes, getSupportsGraphDisplay, getSupportsKmlDisplay, getSupportsMapDisplay, getTimeEnd, getTimeStart, getTimeZone, getTimeZoneString, getUser, getUserID, getValidGPSRequired, getWhereSelector, hasReportColumn, hasReportJob, hasReportOption, isEventDataMatch, isSingleDeviceOnly, isSoapRequest, setAutoReportURL, setGraphImageURL, setKmlURL, setMapIconSelector, setMapURL, setPreferredFormat, setRefreshURL, setReportCallback, setReportColumns, setReportConstraints, setReportDeviceList, setReportHeaderGroups, setReportJob, setReportName, setReportOption, setReportRecordCount, setReportSubtitle, setReportTitle, showMapRouteLine, writeHtmlBody, writeJavaScript, writeReport, writeReport, writeReportStyle
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SessionStatusReport(ReportEntry rptEntry,
                           RequestProperties reqState,
                           ReportDeviceList devList)
                    throws ReportException
Method Detail


public void postInitialize()
Description copied from class: ReportData
This method is called after all other ReportConstraints have been set. The report has this opportunity to make any changes to the ReportConstraints before the report is actually generated

postInitialize in class ReportData


public static ReportLayout GetReportLayout()
Gets the bound ReportLayout singleton instance for this report

The bound ReportLayout


public ReportLayout getReportLayout()
Gets the bound ReportLayout singleton instance for this report

Specified by:
getReportLayout in class ReportData
The bound ReportLayout


public DBDataIterator getBodyDataIterator()
Description copied from class: ReportData
Gets the details data interator for this report.
The subclass of this object must implement this method.
For simple EventData record data, this method could simply return:
new ArrayDataIterator(this.getEventData());

Specified by:
getBodyDataIterator in class ReportData


public DBDataIterator getTotalsDataIterator()
Description copied from class: ReportData
Gets the totals data interator for this report.
The subclass of this object must implement this method.
For simple EventData record data, this method may simply return null.

Specified by:
getTotalsDataIterator in class ReportData